Cheshire Moon - Lizzie Crowe


Under the watchful eye of Isaac Norman of Rightous Dog Recoding, and the firm hand of Donna Miller.


Ways of Wind and Water

Release date:

Sept. 1, 2012


We cannot begin to say how grateful we are. 106 backers, 13 on our last day alone. $3,550, $550 above our original goal. thank you to everyone who donated, boosted signal, anythign and everything you guys did has helped us. Thank you for believeing in us, in this. We will do our best to be worthy of this much love.


We're done! At long last, we have everythign tracked and we are ready to mix the last of things. To much gratitude to Isaac Norman and Donna Miller. You guys are amazing to work with and we thank you for everything you have done to whip us into shape.


Barring incidents of a feline nature, we should have the finished shiny thingies for Minniapolis Pagan Pride! We are going to try and get the Ropers copies for Chicon as well, but it all depends on when they arrive. *promtly shakes rattle of pigmey doom* Shirts are already here! And Kickstarter rewards are being knit with all speed!